Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
IIT Tirupati
(On Lien), Department of Data Science & AI
Wadhwani School of DS & AI, IIT Madras
MATLAB® scripts, functions and data sets (wherever applicable) for the Examples and Exercises in the textbook Principles of System Identification: Theory and Practice are being provided below for the benefit of the instructors, students and general readership.
Please feel free to use the code, modify and / or re-distribute it as per your needs. I sincerely hope that these resources will be put to a positive use and for educational / research purposes only.
The resources below have been tested on MATLAB® R2014b (8.4) and SIMULINK version 8.4. You should not be surprised if you experience difficulties in using them with previous or later versions of MATLAB / SIMULINK. When you report errors with the code, please describe the exact nature of error and do NOT forget to mention the MATLAB / SIMULINK Release,
Standard disclaimer: The author (me) is, in no way, responsible for any negative consequences, including damages to the user's computer or any related work arising out of the use of these codes or data sets.
Note: If you use any of these codes or models AS IS in any of your publications, a word of acknowledgment would be highly appreciated.